Naeem Ashfak
CPL are particularly keen on speaking to newly qualified Oncology SPR/Consultants who have achieved CCT and are actively seeking their first...
Naeem Ashfak
Cpl UK (formerly RIG Locums) are looking for a Locum SPR in Oncology for an NHS trust based in Northern Ireland. This is a long-term post with short...
Naeem Ashfak
Cpl UK (formerly RIG Locums) are looking for a Locum SPR in Oncology for an NHS trust based in Northern Ireland. This is a long-term post with short...
Naeem Ashfak
Cpl UK (formerly RIG Locums) are looking for a Locums in Oncology for the NHS. The position is currently accommodating subspecialist interest too....
Howard Johnson
Job title: SpR Doctors in Acute- COE- General-Endo Medicine Needed UK Wide Location of available Jobs: UK Wide, England, Scotland, Wales and...