On Saturday 10th October 2015 from RIG Locums were at the Divani Caravel Hotel (Athens) as part of the ‘British Councils Medical and Healthcare professions career fair’.
It was a really good event and we met lots of Greek nationals that are interested in working in the UK as a Locum. we anticipated there to be over 400 attendees but it turned out to be over 700 in the and which was absolutely fantastic.
This was the first overseas career event that we have attended and it was so worthwhile that we cant wait to attend our next one. We were inundated with doctors and healthcare professionals wanting to hear about working in the UK, and how to register with the GMC etc.
We would like to thank the British Council in Greece for putting on the event with special thanks to Georgiou, Elena and Katerina.
Here is a picture of our team that attended the event, Will, Rianna and Shane.