RIG Locums are currently recruiting urgently for Locum Registrars in O&G to take up long term locum placements in the North West of England region, this includes Cumbria and Lancaster.
Doctors must have a minimum of 3 years O&G experience for these types of roles. Delivery rate is approx 1500 births per year making it a small unit and they require a full time rota gap to be filled. Shifts will be days/nights/weekends.
Accommodation is limited here but available on site and hourly rates will vary dependent on experience/references/availability but we expect £65-70 PAYE.
If you are already UK experienced and looking for a new locum post, or just looking to come to the UK for your first NHS post then we have different options to suit you. Ideally we want doctors who can commit to filling a rota slot for 2-3 months with flexibility on shift patterns.
To apply for our posts we require the following documents from you initially:
- GMC Licence
- Right to Work in the UK
- DBS Cert
- 2 Recent References
- Life Support
For more information on this role please contact Fiona Murphy on 07584 147653 or email [email protected] with your documents for immediate consideration.
To refer a colleague please visit our website here https://www.riglocums.com/doctor-jobs/refer-a-candidate/ or contact me directly – you can obtain referral bonus of up to £300 per referral!
RIG Locums work with NHS Trusts all over the UK, alongside many private hospitals, and as a framework supplier we have access to jobs nationwide as soon as they are needed. Here at RIG we like to get doctors on board as early as possible prior to their available period so they can complete registration in good time – this in turn allows the doctor to accept their perfect locum offer without delay.
The benefits of working with RIG Locums:
- Approved NHS Framework Supplier
- Weekly Payroll
- CPD training provided including BLS
- Expert Recruiters working solely in one Specialty
- Designated Body for the GMC
- Excellent referral schemes