Registrar in Emergency Medicine with potential for CESR – LONDON

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  • Permanent
  • London
  • Posted 9 months ago

CPL UK are currently assisting a London based NHS Trust to source a Trust Grade Registrar in Emergency Medicine to join their Dept ASAP.

This role will be permanent or fixed term and there will be an annual salary allocation. This role would be ideal if you are looking to enter a CESR route to CCT in the NHS.

They will be willing to assist with GMC and Visa as long as the candidate as passed OET or IELTS already.

Job Summary

This job is designed for those who wish to pursue a career in Emergency Medicine, and enter CESR training (further information below) if deemed suitable by a faculty panel meeting, with the objective to achieving Consultant rank after review of the candidate’s portfolio by the Royal College of Emergency Medicine. 

The job will involve 6-9 months working as a junior registrar not leading the department, during which the doctor will be expected to attend our in-house leadership training program and become senior ED decision makers. Following a maximum of 12 months in the post, the post holder will be expected to be a departmental leader (including at night) and would have the opportunity enter the CESR training program, subject to selection via a local faculty group meeting.

Doctors who are not leading the department at night by 18 months of joining will be supported in finding more suitable roles within the NHS.

Roles and Responsibilities

1.      Clinical duties:

The primary responsibilities of the post holder during their clinical shifts include:

  • Assessment, management, referral and discharge of patients presenting to the Emergency Departments and Clinical Decision Units, seeking support where appropriate from senior clinical members;
  • Collaborating with all members of the Emergency Department team and colleagues from other departments;
  • Communicating effectively with patients and colleagues; and
  • Performing Rapid Assessment and Triage of patients who self-present and those brought by ambulance.

2.      Non-clinical roles:

In addition, the post holder is expected to:

  • Attend and contribute to faculty teaching, clinical governance, quality improvement and morbidity and mortality meetings;
  • Undergo yearly appraisal to ensure progression in their professional goals;
  • Work cross-site at both hospitals in the Trust; and
  • Participate in a local leadership program with the aim to achieve leading the department within 18-24 months of starting work within the Trust.


Cross-site working:

The post holder will be expected to work at both Trust hospitals on a rotational basis, with redeployment to either site based on clinical staffing needs. This is an essential requirement for those intending to enter the CESR program.


We prioritise teaching for all members of our multidisciplinary team, and the post holder is expected to participate in teaching to share their skills and knowledge and will be supported to do so using a range of media e.g., e-learning modules on our departmental online teaching platform, MDT simulation sessions, MS Teams and face-to-face simulation sessions.

Management Projects:

All our registrars are expected to participate in Audit, Quality Improvement Projects and management training within the department as expected of the EM GMC Specialty Specific Guidance (SSG) and Emergency Medicine curriculum (2021). There is an extensive programme of national, local QIPs which the post holder may become involved in.  We also have patient safety and clinical governance teams to ensure any lessons learnt e.g., from drug errors, national patient safety alerts and clinical governance meetings can be shared in an educational format. 

The post holder will be encouraged and supported to present their work at local meetings and produce posters to be entered in meetings such as the Royal College of Emergency Medicine Annual Scientific Conference.

Clinical Support:

There is 08:00 to 00:00 Emergency Medicine Consultant presence at both departments, and additional night cover from Friday to Monday. The consultant supports the management of patients and shop floor teaching. Outside of these hours, Middle Grade doctors or Emergency Medicine training Registrars undertake the ‘lead role’ and work in close liaison with the nurse co-ordinator to ensure the department runs efficiently overnight.


The post holder will be allocated a Consultant Supervisor who will work alongside the candidate to support them over the 12 months to achieve their personal goals including development of an online portfolio and their own professional development plan. These include support in the Workplace Based Assessments, logbooks, case presentations and management tasks required for a successful CESR application. The post holder will be expected to undertake a yearly structured appraisal which will support future revalidation processes and an in-house ARCP equivalent review of CESR target progression. There is support for the RCEM FRCEM exams and OSCE stations and we have excellent in-house skills courses, USS level 1 training and support and Trust based ATLS, EPALS and ALS courses.  The ED Consultant body will also support networking for the candidate with key representatives within the Trust in that area of interest.

Hours and rostering:

The contracted hours are for up to 48 hours of work per week, covering the full 24-hour period, and rostered according to a quarterly self-rostering meeting. Current Rotas are available in the “Contract Offer” document, along with the terms of Annual Leave.  The post holder will self-roster to an annualised rota which will incorporate 5 days of Study Leave per year.

Certificate of Entry into the Specialist Register

Post holders displaying an interest in CESR and the capability to lead the department will be entered into our CESR program if deemed suitable by a local faculty group meeting.

In addition to the roles and responsibilities above, CESR trainees will also be expected to:

  • Undergo rotational training in Intensive Care Unit, Acute Medicine, Anaesthetics and Paediatrics, each lasting three months, over a four-year period;
  • Develop and maintain their technical and non-technical skills;
  • Be involved in leading managerial aspects of the department eg QI, teaching, rostering, case review meetings; and
  • Develop and maintain an e-Portfolio demonstrating all of the above by recording workplace-based assessments, self-directed learning and certificates of attendance at courses and conferences), which is to be submitted to the Royal College of Emergency Medicine with the intention of completing the CESR program.


Person Specification

The candidate’s performance at interview as and the contents of their application form will be used to determine suitability for the role.

E = Essential                                                                              D = Desirable

Trust Values  












Education and Qualifications

MBBS, MBChB or equivalent


Full GMC Registration with a license to practice


Postgraduate qualification eg MRCEM


Postgraduate Diploma in relevant area


Advanced Life Support


Provider status in other life support courses (e.g., APLS / EPALS / ATLS)




NHS experience within the last 2 years


3 years of postgraduate experience in Emergency Medicine


IT skills and computer literacy




Evidence of ongoing interest and achievement in teaching


Evidence of feedback for teaching



Management and Audit / QI

Involvement in Audit and / or Clinical governance


Evidence of effective multi-disciplinary team working and leadership, supported by multi-source feedback or other workplace-based assessments



Communication Skills

Demonstrates clarity in written and spoken communication, and capacity to adapt language to the situation, as appropriate


Able to build rapport, listen, persuade and negotiate


Can speak and write English to the appropriate standard necessary to fulfil the job requirements



Personal Qualities

Energy and enthusiasm and the ability to work under pressure


Caring attitude to patients


Ability to communicate effectively with colleagues, patients, relatives, GPs, nurses and other staff and agencies


Commitment to Continuing Medical Education and Professional Development


Commitment to deliver a high-quality service with patient welfare at the forefront of their practice


Capacity to prioritise own workload


Evidence of thoroughness (is well-prepared, shows self-discipline/commitment, is punctual and meets deadlines)



If you wish to apply then please send a CV to [email protected] as soon as possible.

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